As you might have noticed after reading a few of my posts, I am a complete astronomy freak! I also have an awesome Astronomers Without Borders Onesky Reflector Telescope (U.S. Shipping only) that I'm really proud of.
I have taken quite a few images of different celestial objects using my telescope. Here are a few-
1. The Moon
I have quite a few good images of the Moon, so I'm going to put 3 here.
2. The Pleiades
The Pleiades is an open cluster located in Taurus. It is also known as the Seven Sisters due to its seven brightest stars. They are one of the most popular deep space targets due to their brightness and the number of stars. Here are my images of the Pleiades-
3. Saturn
With its brilliant rings, Saturn is a very popular astrophotography target. Here's my best image till date-
4. Orion Nebula
The brightest nebula in the night sky, the Orion Nebula is fairly easy to capture.
5. Night Sky
While this may not be a proper "astrophoto", I just want you to admire the number of stars the camera of a Google Pixel 7a captured in a light polluted city (Bengaluru).
6. Jupiter: The King of All Planets
Jupiter is the largest planet of the Solar System (like you didn't know), and also the third brightest natural object in the night sky. This makes it a popular and easy to capture astrophotography target. Here's my best pic-
That is all for this page. Check out some of my posts at Cosmexplainers!
Clear skies,
Aarav Iyer